Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hair Care After Hair Transplant

Going for a hairtransplant is a big step towards boosting your confidence but it is achievable only if you are ready and committed towards your hair even after the procedure. The hair transplant procedures like DFI (Direct Follicular Implant), DT (DirectTricho) are done in just a few hours but you will be able to do justice to the surgery and to your hair only if you follow the post procedure guidelines.

Some of the crucial hair care steps that you need to follow for assured results and a complication free luscious hair growth are given below for your reference:

1) A certain amount of scarring can happen once you have undergone a hair transplant. While waiting for new follicles to grow, take care to have certified medications that will reduce the little bit of swelling if any. This will also help in reducing scalp irritation.
2) Always try and keep your head elevated. This is necessary to avoid any minor swelling on your scalp. Since the scalp will be operated, you will need to sleep on two or more pillows to prop up your head. Ideally, there is nothing better than a reclining chair to sleep in if you can.
3) Avoid physical activity in any circumstances for a few days. Your doctor will doubtless tell you not to venture in the sun upon surgery. Take care to also avoid strenuous exercises that will make you sweat. Sweating increases the risk of infection to a great extent. You should also avoid visiting steams and saunas for the same reason.
4) As Indians, we are accustomed to spicy dishes, but the body’s reaction to such food will interfere with the healing process. Alcohol consumption is a strict no-no as it affects the blood supply to the head. If possible, try to avoid smoking for a month immediately after the surgery as well.
5) Keep the area around your scalp clean throughout the recovery phase of at least one week. You will feel soreness and a numb sensation in the places where the incision has been made. Understand the medications and their frequency correctly and do not attempt to self-treat yourself in any way. Recovery after the operation takes time. And finally, keep yourself busy with other activities apart from obsessing about when new hair will grow.
6) After surgery, you may begin to wash your hair gently in the shower. Try not to let the water beat directly onto the recipient area where the follicles are for the first 4-5 days after surgery. Though 2-3 days after surgery you can gently touch the follicles with the fingertips while washing in the shower. Avoid catching the grafts with your fingernails.

Use these tips to get the best results out of your hair transplant and show off the new you in no time.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fruits and their role in hair growth!!

No matter which beauty product rules the market, a fact that nobody can deny, is that fruits are nature's most valuable beauty enhancers. And what's more, they are inexpensive too. Now, you need not wonder what to do to add some luster to your hair. Here's a ready-reckoner for you:

Strawberry - The benefits of this beautiful fruit are many – so many that beauty and health enthusiasts can write an ode to the strawberry. This fruit comes loaded with silica – a component that’s known to prevent baldness and aid hair growth. We warned, though – strawberries are a seasonal fruit and are best eaten from December to March.

Apple - If the apple didn’t manage to keep the doctor away, it will definitely manage to prevent hair loss. Filled with soluble fiber, phenolic compound in apple skin, antioxidants and vitamins, this fruit sings to your body and serenades your hair. So much so that if eaten regularly, it will prevent hair fall and benefit your overall health in many ways.

Grapes - Everyone knows what a miracle worker grape seed oil is when it comes to preventing hair fall; but do you know that grapes are equally effective? Full of antioxidants, vitamins, natural sugars and a lot more, grapes clean out your system and prevent hair fall. One of the most delicious fruits that are high in water content, these little ovals of joy will do your crowning glory a world of good.

Banana - A banana a day... unlike the good ol’ apple, the banana doesn’t have a tagline that entices you to eat it. However, this potassium-loaded fruit comes packed with vitamin B, magnesium, fiber, pectin and a host of other goodies that do nothing but enhance your overall health. And as if that’s not enough, this sunshine fruits ensures that your strands of hair maintain their thickness by preventing hair fall.

Orange – this fruits practically sings this vitamin. Besides the fabulous C, it’s loaded with antioxidants, flavonoids, beta-carotene, magnesium, fiber and a host of essential vitamins and minerals that are difficult to pronounce. But, considering all the health and aesthetic benefits that this fruits promises and delivers, it’s time to get your hand on one, peel away, consume and watch your crop of hair sing... vitamin C, well, maybe.

However, there are times when these fruits and any planned healthy diet are not able to help you from the excessive hair loss you are facing. This happens especially in the cases of people who have a genetic and hereditary history of baldness in their family or forefathers. In such cases you can always go for a hair transplant and find a permanent solution for your hair loss problem. Hair transplanttechniques like DFFI (Direct Follicular Implant) & DT (Direct Tricho) has proved their mantle in this regards time and again. And once you are through these procedures then you can again fall back to these wonderful fruits to keep your hair maintained and healthy as they were in your yester years.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Myths of Hair Transplant

It’s an amazing fact that a developing fetus has all of its hair follicles formed. At the fetus stage of our life there are about 5 million hair follicles on the body. Out of which a total of one million of those follicles resides on the scalp. This is the largest number of hair follicles a human will ever have, since we do not generate new hair follicles anytime during the course of our lives. Most people will notice that the density of scalp hair has reduced as they grow from childhood to adulthood. The reason: Our scalp expands as we grow. But as we grow we surmount ourselves with several myths and notions about our continuous hair loss problem that becomes inevitable due to so many unavoidable factors of heredity, stress, changing lifestyle, pollution of water, medications etc. And this misconception continues even at the stage of hair transplant. So, today we take a step further to raise the curtain from the innumerable myths related to hair transplant where the first one being:

1) Large grafts produce more density than smaller grafts.
    Fact: Density depends upon the total amount of hair i.e follicles transplanted to a particular      area, not the size of the grafts. Larger grafts just result in an unnatural look, not greater        overall density.

2)     Hair transplants can fall out.
     Fact: Follicular units are impossible to dislodge after the first day when the healing                  mechanisms have set in. In the first 24 hours, follicular units are kept in place by tiny blood      clots which are strong enough to withstand most forces but it is important to take it easy          during this period.

3)     People will be able to tell that you've had a hair transplant.
      Fact: The principle of transplanting hair as follicular units (which is the most basic natural         grouping of hair) allows the transplanted hair to follow the patterns of native hair giving a         natural result. Even a soft hair line can be achieved using single follicular unit grafts to blend     the area seamlessly.

4)     After hair transplantation hair starts growing immediately.
     Fact: After transplantation most of the external hair falls over three weeks. The roots however continue to grow. To see the final results of transplantation, it may take anywhere between 4-8 months. Patience hence is important.

5)     After hair transplantation, the hair should not be washed.
     Fact: One or two days after transplantation, the head can be shampooed normally. It is very important to keep the area clean to avoid infection. Regular care with shampoo bath is the best method.

Though knowing the myths of hair transplant and keeping ourselves well informed is necessary but also reaching the right clinic for our surgery is also a major task that has to be embarked upon with full knowledge. The highly advanced techniques for hair transplant are DFI (Direct Follicular Implant) and DT(Direct Tricho) where as for hair loss is RPPL (Rich Plasma Platelet Laser) but it is also our responsibility to follow all the pre and post procedure guidelines to get the assured results.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hair loss & hair thinning problems in woman

Every woman is possessive and obsessive about her hair. And why not when she draws her beauty, pupils’ attention and her feminity from it. And that’s why when a women faces hair loss then she starts suffering in silence. Female hair loss is not much a medical concern but more of an emotional one as it hampers the confidence of a woman and can alter her life in a big way.

Generally women tend to hide this menace of hair loss by altering their hairstyles to cover their thinning and bald patches. But today it’s a known fact due to the advancement in hairtechnology that the sooner you tackle this problem in its bud the better its recovery would be.

Most women lose hair on an average scale of 50 to 100 strands a day. But the lost hair is replaced by new hair growth. Extremities happen when a woman starts losing hair and doesn't notice new hair replacement. Thinning hair and losing hair can be a normal part of ageing but when a person looks into a mirror and notices a widening parting or a receding hairline then it may be a sign of serious medical condition that needs an evaluation by a dermatologist and undergoing hair loss treatment.

There are three major reasons for hair loss & hair thinning in woman:

1)     Androgenic Alopecia – it is caused due to hormonal imbalance and is also hereditary, it is majorly seen in men and results in baldness. But there are times when it is also seen in woman in a slightly different way like losing excessive hair with growing age leading to clearly visible scalp.

2)     Alopecia Areata – it occurs due to problems in body’s immune system and causes smooth roundish patches of hair loss on scalp. Once this kind of patches occur then that means that the disorder has attacked the roots of hair and a hair transplant is the only remedy.

3)     Telogen Effluvium – it’s a phenomenon that takes place after pregnancy, major surgery, drastic weight loss or extreme stress. In it you can see shedding of large amount of hair on an every day basis, usually while styling, shampooing or brushing. This condition can also be a side effect of certain medications, thyroid, deficiency of iron, vitamins and severe scalp infections. During this phase a woman can keep losing a handful of hair from 6 weeks to 3 months duration or more.

Though medical advancement has brought a solution to all these hair loss issues but it is important at our end that we notice hair loss at the earliest and seek for a remedy.
There are many hair loss & hair transplant treatments available in the hair industry. Some of the best hair transplant procedures are DFI (Direct follicular implant), DT (Direct Tricho) & RPPL (Rich Plasma Platelet Laser) which is exclusively designed to fight hair loss issues in woman. All these treatments are highly evolved and give the satisfactory result that we seek for. Most of the times we get misguided and use many hair products available in the market but they do not produce the kind of result we have been searching for and just empty our pockets. But if we are really searching for a permanent solution for our hair loss then there is nothing better than these scientifically proven world class procedures.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Doctors at i-Graft are pure magic!!

What’s life without hair? If a person who has a head full of blessed hair hears this then he or she will never be able to understand the crux of the situation. Not coz they are insensitive but coz they are indifferent to what hair loss and problems relating to it mean. We might look at a bald person and give an expression for a second but the imprint of our expression stays with him or her for a long time to come. A bald person sometimes looses sleep due to this indifference of theirs. And that’s when they turn to a hair transplant clinic.

Hair transplant has grown rapidly in today’s time even though baldness existed way before. The reason is advancement in hair technology as well as growing awareness in pupil for physical and mental health. At one point or the other we all face hair issues. May it be dandruff or excessive hair loss due to malnutrition, stress, pollutedwater or a prolonged exposure to some medical treatment. We all worry about hair loss and remenish the fact of how beautiful our locks were.

The hair transplant industry is booming with the very reason of our awareness for our hair health as well as the growing stress factor due our modern life style which gives rise to DHT (de-hydro testosterone), the main culprit behind hair loss and baldness in today’s time. But we are also blessed with hair transplant clinics, doctors and surgeons who are there to fight this malice for us. And one such clinic that puts it whole and soul in bringing back the lost confidence of a person is i-Graft Global Hair Services.

The staff, hair experts, doctors, surgeons all at i-Graft has one thing in common. Their desire and dedication for solving the problems of their clients. Whether you call them for a telephonic consultation or meet them for a face to face consultation. It is pretty clear that they are there to serve you always. And this can be said with a lot of assurance coz of their after procedure support team. From the time of surgery to the time there is hair growth on the scalp, it is a remarkable service of i-Graft that their doctors are there at every step. You can call them at any point of hour and they will be there to solve your query. Their feedback team calls you every two months to check your hair growth in case you have missed it due to your busy schedule. This kind of treatment only reinforces one thought process that they adhere to and i.e service industry is there to serve us, it is there to be with us in our physical and mental health.

The world class hair transplant procedure at i-Graft has served thousand of people till date and has been successful in bringing a smile on their face. The DFI (DirectFollicular Implant), DT (Direct Tricho) & RPPL (Rich Plasma Platelet Laser) treatments have been invented by i-Graft by keeping in mind with the urgent requirement of their clients. And these treatments along with the superb team at i-Graft make it a place to visit if you are facing any hair loss issues today or in future.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Hair loss was something that was giving me sleepless nights. Never had I thought in my wildest dreams that my hair could create such havoc in my calm and serene life. From ten to twenty hairs per day, I started noticing that I was loosing eighty to hundred hairs every time I combed and that was affecting my overall personality and self confidence. I panicked and worried but alas it was of no use until I started searching for remedies to stop and cure my drastic hair loss. And this was the time when I came across i-Graft, a global hair services clinic for hair transplant.

Though they had a very detailed and elaborated website, and decent rates for their treatments and procedures, still I was very skeptical about the entire process until I visited their clinic and had a face-to-face conversation with their consultant. And I should say that never had I seen anyone who was so dedicated to serve a client’s queries. The consultant explained to me about the genuine reasons of my hair fall and the remedy that could be provided from their end.
Even the procedural experts walked towards me and explained the entire process of the treatment so that I can get at ease before the main process. And that was the time when I felt glad that I was at i-Graft as it made me feel at home with my very own people who were ready to take care of me and fight the malice that hair loss was causing in my life.

i-Graft always promised me a great make over and regain of my lost confidence, and I am more than pleased to say that they have delivered each and every inch of their word. Today I consider my selves to be lucky in finding them at the right time and taking the advantage of their services. I am assured that their superb after procedure support team is always there for me and my friends who might face similar issues regarding hair loss. Moreover, the guarantee of a life time can only be given at i-Graft coz it is customer service that they believe in first than marketing and business.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Rocking i-Graft Reviews

iGraftGlobal Hair Services is a place where you can experience a world of hospitality. Right from the time you get in touch with it through an online or offline medium. The iGraft CRM team and support system are all geared up to take utmost care of your each and every need. Whether it is filling of online inquiry form or having a telephonic conversation with their consultant, iGraft has customized its network in such a way that you get an immediate feedback for all your hair loss queries as they are easily accessible for every time of the hour.
You can be at any part of India or abroad and can still get your hair transplant done by iGraft as it has overall 14 centers at different cities across India and overseas with the most experienced surgeons and staff, specialized in hairtransplant technology. You can also walk-in to any of your near by iGraftclinic for a one-on-one consultation. And the best part is that you can always enroll yourself for the VIP package if you want them to take care of your treatment in complete privacy confining to your wish and will.

iGraft uses advanced cloud technology for maintaining its database and online communication with its client, so there is no delay in receiving of mails and message updates on your registered phone number regarding various functions from scheduling the date, time and place of the operation or generating online invoice. You are also given the flexibility of payment either through direct online transfer or payment through card, DD or cash directly at the clinic just prior the surgery.
Keeping in mind with your hectic busy schedule iGraft also gives you the advantage of getting treated with them within a time span of 40 days after booking through payment of minimal 20k with the assistance of a private allotted consultant.

iGraft is also very considerate in suggesting and helping their clients to find a suitable place for their stay during the allotted days of the treatment. Every client who enters iGraft with decent expectations always experiences and is amazed by the world class hospitality, assistance and consultation by the procedural doctor and the staff. The client therefore always leaves the clinic with a deep satisfaction of getting himself treated by the best hair transplant brand in the industry.

And that is the reason why iGraft has crafted its own niche in the market in a very small time span of one year of its establishment with its unique feature of rigorous follow up for the after procedure advancement even after months of client’s treatment.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Love your hair this Monsoon

Monsoons arrive with a promise of romance in the air after a long wait from the scorching sun. Sure we want to drench in every drop of rain that brings pure serenity within us. But there is always a ‘but’ to everything that comes to bless us with all its vigor.

You might be wishing to play in the waters, soak yourselves in the beauty of nature but you might be scared about the after affects. “Oh my God my shoes will get wet, Oh my God my new dress will get dirty, Oh my God my hair will frizz out”. When you say this to yourself please remember that it’s God who is blessing you with something whose absence can breach your life.

Keep an extra pair of shoes or wear sleepers when it’s raining, change your wardrobe a bit and wear some light clothes. And for hair there are a number of things that can be done to nourish them and make them better.

What kind of shampoo to use in monsoons??
Always shampoo your hair after you happen to soak them in the rains. Surely rains are beautiful and absolute but when they mix with the oil, sweat and pollution that already exist in your hair, then they need to be cleared out with a very mild and natural components shampoo. You might be using a anti dandruff shampoo for treating your scalp but make sure that you don’t use it on a regular basis which will damage your hair in the long run.

How many times should hair be oiled in a week??
It is highly recommended that you oil your hair at-least half an hour before shampoo. This is because oil in a soothing ingredient, it smoothens your hair from within, it has the capacity to remove all the chemicals from your hair entering due to use of different styling agents. Never wash your hair dry because that will lead to rough and coarse hair as it will lack the balancing medium i.e. oil. Most of the oils in the market are natural but you need to try and check which one of them suits you best.

Hairthinning is a slow process that results due to a lot of factors ranging from heredity, ageing, insufficient intake of nutrients, variation in diet, pollution, stress etc. And the major draw back is that it is slow, so we realize it only when it has reached its extreme stage. But when the reality dawns on us then it becomes very difficult to handle. We panic and try to get an instant solution which again results in wrong suggestions from unprofessional people and further hairloss leading to depression. It is also due to our hectic lifestyle that our hormones go through a toll and get imbalanced. Most of the times a hormone by the name DHT (Di-Hydro Testosterone) is formed due to the stress of our daily lifestyle which plays the malice, affects our hair roots or follicles and force them to fall off with a guarantee of never to return. And when this happens we notice that we are getting bald.

There are lot of treatments available in the market for baldness but the only permanent solution to it is hair transplant and restoration as the hair that has fallen off from the roots have no scope to grow again even though many might make false promises of its regain with the use of unduly costly products. There are highly designed techniques by the name DFITM (DirectFollicular Implant), DTTM (Direct Tricho), RPPLTM (RichPlasma Platelet Laser) for any type of hair transplant and restoration. Only these techniques can assure the re-growth of lost hair as they work on the hair roots or follicles rather than your scalp base only.

Sure our hair is an integral part of our personality but it is important that we question ourselves that how much care do we need to take in-order to keep it in perfect shape. It has always been the stone hunched rule of life, the more your care for something, the more you can reap out of it. And the same applies to your hair. Love it, care for it and enjoy the beauty it gives you from within.

Monday, July 14, 2014


i-Graft is glad to inform that the purpose with which it had come into establishment a few years ago has come to fruition till date without any major roadblocks and hindrance. Customer service and their utmost satisfaction has always been the driving force behind i-Graft’s hard work and dedication. And evidently this unique quality of i-Graft has marked it to beautiful heights and horizons in such a short span.

Never in the history of i-Graft has it experienced any complaints or negative feedback from its clients. Moreover, i-Graft is delighted to showcase a long list of clientele who are its well wishers as well as personally volunteered brand ambassadors. The client list of i-Graft is ever growing just by a word of mouth regarding its world class hospitality and solutions provided for the nagging worries and problems of the clients about hair transplant.

Highly experienced doctors’ panel and an efficient staff is always on their toes to help a client who walks in at i-Graft at any point of time through an online or offline medium. Such is the motivation of i-Graft for perfection that never a client has faced an issue regarding scheduling of their treatment dates or on time billing.

i-Graft takes pride in mentioning that it projects what it is, nothing more or less and is fair to the client in each and every way. Whether it be the quality of service, pricing or the end results produced, i-Graft has always believed in resolving client issues and has appointed the most efficient after procedure support team to serve this purpose by taking care of clients each and every query.

i-Graft’s whole and soul has always been engaged in bring back their customers lost confidence due to baldness and hair loss and to restore their perfect smiles for ages. The consultation given to the clients is always perfect as well as the expert procedural doctors do complete justice to their jobs in such a way that there is no chance or you can also say that there is no stone upturned by i-Graft to give their clients what they want. And this is why i-Graft’s records are filled with clients’ new grown awesome looking hair rather than their frowning and sulky faces.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Hair myths that are taking your hair away

You might be having memories of you wishing for lustrous hair as your classmates, those with long pleats that they styled with colorful beads and ribbons or a beautifully trimmed hair like that of a television actor. You might even have fond memories of how your mom oiled, shampooed and cared for your hair and how you used to spend hours in front of the mirror to have perfectly groomed hair.

This very fact of our love for our hair tempts us to gather innumerable information about how to have great hair. But most of the times this search leads us to some very misguided paths. We then loose the capability to distinguish facts from myths and therefore land our hair into a mythical world making them dry and coarse like a corpse.

Many of us have countless myths about our hair that bring them near to destruction. For example: it is a common myth that cutting of hair will enhance their growth. In actual that is not the case. Cutting of hair can give you a fuller look cause of the bounce that is created after the hair cut due to the resulting shorter hair but it does not help in hair growth as the hair grows from the roots and not from the tips. Though trimming of hair can prevent split ends that can rise upwards to the shaft if you don’t take action and thus damage the roots in the long run.

Another strong myth coming from ages is that if you pluck a grey hair then there will be three more for its funeral which is again a delusion. In reality every hair is an individual in its entity. No hair has any relation with any other hair in terms of growth and color. That is why you notice that even though you had given a particular cut to your hair, it doesn’t stay the same after a few months.

Many people also develop the habit of brushing their hair hundreds of times cause they are under the notion that it would give them long and shiny hair. But in life over doing of anything is harmful. Over combing can damage your strands due to constant friction and rubbing. Combing as much as needed is recommended for your hair though you can have oil massage for a better blood circulation and then wash it off after some hours with a mild shampoo and final rinse off with cold water as cold water closes the follicles that gets opened and exposed due to hot water.

There are times when we make many other mistakes while caring for our hair and sometimes ignore them due to our stressful life until it is too late to repair the damage caused. Grey hair, losing and thinning of hair; bald patches etc are the cases when you get susceptible to a stressful life style, unhealthy food habits which depletes the supply of essential nutrients to hair, pollution and even heredity plays a role some times.

It is always smarter to take care of the factors that help in hair growth rather than trying to cure your hair problems with a lot of artificial products available in the market that never deliver what they promise. Nevertheless for people who have already been a victim of hair loss can get their lost hair back by a highly researched technique of hair transplant. As this procedure gives permanent solution to your hair loss problems by implanting hair that are immune to hair loss factors like stress, unhealthy food habits, pollution, heredity etc that gives rise to a hormone by the name DHT (Di-Hydro Testosterone) which is the main culprit behind hair fall. DFITM (Direct Follicular Implant), DTTM (Direct Tricho) and RPPLTM (Rich Plasma Platelet Laser) are some of the very few techniques that give miraculous results to the hair that has lost hope of being lustrous one again. So, it’s never late to wake us from your deep slumber and take care of your hair rather than getting bald and guilty.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

GOOD Reviews about i-graft

Review/Feedback by Mr.Solanki

My hair transplant experience with i-Graft has been mesmerizing. And I have to say that it has taken me by surprise and the results produced as promised are breakthrough in the field of hair regeneration and restoration. The day of my procedure started with an anesthesia that numbed my head surface area enabling a painless experience. Nevertheless one cannot deny the minute pinching effect that the robotics have on you but it’s enjoyable if you have a handy sense of humor rather than a poker face.

The machinery used for my hair implantation were highly advanced and sophisticated so I didn’t have to bother much about the finishing as it was quite evident from the kind of effort that the surgeons were putting in for every strand of my hair. The treatment lasted for nine hours with a lunch break in between by the i-Graft hospitality team but I had a blast with the surgeons even in the operation theatre. I was kept conscious throughout the process so I had the wonderful opportunity to chit-chat and kid with the experts while the procedure was going on. In short, it was like a fun day rather than a surgery at i-Graft.

There is only one thing that you have to take care of when you go through a hair transplant at i-Graft and that is taking the medications prescribed by the doctors on time. And I think that is pretty easy for anyone who has taken the time and gone for hair restoration. The implanted area was cured in less than seven days and I could shampoo my hair as usual. Now I have a care free routine and life style, and I am happily obsessed with my new hair growth and my complete make over.

Finally words are really meager to express my gratitude towards i-Graft for their world class hospitality and clarity of communication throughout the entire process. They are really the one in the market who stand by what they swear to deliver.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

i-graft hair fall views

Does Hair Fall Irritates You?
Does Hair Loss is Spoiling Your Mood Every Day?

Consequence of hair loss can sometimes kill you. Hair loss consequences are very painful.
Hair fall has many emotional and psychological consequences over the victim's health. Ignoring hair fall in the beginning, leads to increasing baldness and disappearing charm from the personality.
It actually hurts when we see each string of hair is going away from us. The worst happens when, as soon as we realize it’s time to take off for new searches, we already had lost maximum of our hair from scalp.

Why Hair Fall is so scary......
The increasing baldness makes our face ugly. Daily hair fall makes our life even more stressful and frustrating. We start comparing our hair beauty with others and sometimes feel jealous also if we discover our hair is actually trimming down much from our personality element. Each day seems more & more suffocating with the increasing baldness and diminishing charm. We waste lot of money & time over hair oil, shampoos, conditioners, hair gels, medicines, doctors and what not.

How to Know-What to Do & What Not To Do?

Though we leave no stone unturned to save our hair from every day falling but some time it seems it is not always oil, shampoo and vitamin which protects hair fall.

This Time -No Vitamin Please!
“Vitamins are not always the fuel for hair strength & growth. It is something else which snatches hair from the scalp and lefts it ugly & scary.”

Yes! It's a twist in hair fall story.

The embarrassing baldness rising with each new day pushes us to start our efforts towards curbing this great menace as soon as possible, which first commences with change in our hair oil, then change in shampoo and if both are not working than we hunt to see a good dermatologist nearby  in  our locality. We try so many hair oil, shampoos, gels and what not but these changes does not work always. Sometimes we also try different vitamin medicines like vitamin E and vitamin A etc. but unfortunately these multivitamin medication fits good only temporary for relief.

How @ Non-Allopathic Remedies?
Does Homeopathy Work to Stop Hair Fall?

Most of the Indians are seem to have faith on fringe therapies which belongs to the ancient India medical remedies inspired from natural herbs & plants. Those indigenous alternative medical systems include Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Unani & Yoga. All these traditional healing remedies are extremely slow in action to heal and to figure out the actual cause. These remedies not always work though they are easily affordable and have minimal side effects.

Allopathy doesn't suit every one everywhere!

Now what to do if traditional medical science is not working? Let's try Allopathy and see the magic.
Allopathy treatments demands a high quality doctor and controlled amount of pills, as most of the pills in allopathy opens wide doors for side effects only. It has been observed that most of the allopathy treatments come with the hidden side effects, which seems in the later stage of the medication. Most of the allopathy patients need to stop taking pills in the middle of their treatment, due to heavy side effects. So if it’s allopathic then be aware of the hidden side effects also.

No More Hair Fall Please...........
To get permanent relief from hair damage & diminishing beauty, i-Graft Global Hair Services are always there to listen to your worries, to analyse the real cause behind the hair fall and to suggest you the most appropriate remedy according to the hair condition and budget size.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

igraft reviews

i-Graft Global Hair Services is a place where you can experience a world of hospitality. Right from the time you get in touch with it through an online or offline medium. i-Graft CRM team and support system are all geared up to take utmost care of your each and every need. Whether it is filling of online enquiry form or having a telephonic conversation with their consultant, i-Graft has customized its network in such a way that you get an immediate feedback for all your hair loss queries as they are easily accessible for every time of the hour.
You can be at any part of India or abroad and can still get your hair transplant done by i-Graft as it has overall 13 centers at different cities across India and overseas with the most experienced surgeons and staff, specialized in hair transplant technology. You can also walk-in to any of your nearby i-Graft clinic for a one-on-one consultation. And the best part is that you can always enroll yourself for the VIP package if you want them to take care of your treatment in complete privacy confining to your wish and will.

iGraft uses advanced cloud technology for maintaining its database and online communication with its client, so there is no delay in receiving of mails and message updates on your registered phone number regarding various functions from scheduling the date, time and place of the operation or generating online invoice. You are also given the flexibility of payment either through direct online transfer or payment through card, DD or cash directly at the clinic just prior the surgery.

i-Graft is also very considerate in suggesting and helping their clients to find a suitable place for their stay during the allotted days of the treatment. Every client who enters i-Graft with decent expectations always experiences and is amazed by the world class hospitality, assistance and consultation by the procedural doctor and the staff. The client therefore always leaves the clinic with a deep satisfaction of getting himself treated by the best hair transplant brand in the industry.

And that is the reason why i-Graft has crafted its own niche status in the market in a very small time span from its establishment with its unique feature of rigorous follow up for the after procedure advancement even after months of client’s treatment.

Monday, June 23, 2014

i-Graft Review Update

Baldness is no more permanent now!
Companies like i-Graft Global Hair Services are always there to trim down your hair fall related worries and to serve you with the best options and hair styles to look beautiful as always. The venture i-Graft is becoming more and more preferable by its customers across the nation and beyond, because of the high qualification and master degree holder doctors, cosmetologists, plastic surgeons and aesthetic specialists.
The i-Graft = “Value for Money for Each Customer”
The company i-Graft Global Hair Services has unique core competencies which lies in the most advanced and scientifically oriented hair transplantation techniques that have resulted into 100 % customer satisfaction & customer loyalties towards our services.

Customer's Pride & Rivals Envy
Is it really tough to compete for some companies, that they start making false content for their competitors?
Yes! It seems true for some incompetent ones, which try to defame the good will of their competitors. Such companies produce fake content for their rival parties to try to diminish prevailing cut throat competition and to acquire more market space and more business, which eventually turns out to be zero effect.
It has been observed that with the increasing success of i-Graft reputation and   customer acquisitions the numbers of rival companies are also growing. Such companies are recently caught in defaming and damaging the name and efforts of i-Graft and its good will in the market.

What's Going Wrong?
The venture i-graft can easily see that there are still such elements in the market who are incompetent and lack good customer base, thus putting negative efforts to cut down roots of i-Graft. Our company is among one of the fast growing companies which can make difference and set new standards in the current market scenario.
The rival companies who are much incompetent to beat i-Graft and its growing success are spreading bad news, negative reviews, bad word of mouth and other malicious content to reduce the competition and to cool down their envy. 

It's Time to Exploit & Expose Wrong Doers!
Those companies that are lagging behind of competition try to get involved in such malicious acts of running down reputation of others. This kind of defaming attacks should be exploited and abolished from the market as soon as they get into some one's notice. The incompetent wrong doers must be strictly warned & punished in front of the public for their denigrate approach and back biting for competitors in the market.

Strict Punishment for Malicious Content Developers

All our customers, viewers and well-wishers are requested to be aware of such malicious practices existing in the market that are not meant to be followed blindly.

Please update/contact us for any further fake reviews you come across.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Are you aware of the false content ?
Do you know the new dirty shortcuts in competition?
Is really everything is fair in Love & War?
These days it has been observed that some companies are taking the shortcuts to win customer attention and more market space. Instead of putting efforts in their own in house products & services, they are playing dirty tricks to defame and run down the reputation of other upcoming companies. This is what i-Graft Global Hair Service is facing these days.

Where are the efforts going?
Those concentrated efforts that are being supposed to be invested and are truly required over the company's own upliftment and enhancement are seem to be wasted over creating malicious communication for their competitors like i-Graft Global Hair Services. 

What is Vilification?
Vilification is attacking the good name of a company's reputation by uttering or publishing wrong and fake content for it, for example many companies which face “no business” conditions due to lack of dedication, hardwork and expertise, lag behind the others in terms of making money, gaining new customers and their loyalties and establishing themselves as a brand in the market. This makes them stand in the market competition at lagging positions and least recognized efforts, thus starts discrediting and spoiling the names of the upcoming ones. This is what i-Graft Global Hair Services is facing & fighting currently.
Some companies are really envy of the efforts that team i-Graft is  putting  over it's customers in terms of tools, techniques, service delivery procedures, comfort levels, cloud IT infrastructure, quality surgeons and hair specialists to make hair loss victims achieve maximum recovery from hair loss. This honest effort over i-Graft patients in return fills the pocket of the company with hard core customer loyalties and heartly appreciations. Such recognitions and awareness about the honest services in the market brings a real tough competition in cup of our rival fronts. To cope up with these cut throat competitions, some of them starts disparage and denigrate approach for others through back biting, spreading bad word of mouth, publishing false news and printing fake reviews, blogs, articles and other injurious content which can directly attack i-Graft good will and market reputation.

The Ugly Fact!
It has been noticed in past few days  that some of the rival companies of i-Graft Global Hair Services, which can't see i-Graft growing, are being observed running a smear campaign against i-Graft by producing and spreading malicious content for its services. Yes this is true with i-graft that with the new additions in i-graft success stories, the number of rival parties are also multiplying.

What Do You Call Such Competitions – Healthy or Illegal?
Of course illegal, it is a wrong play if a company is diminishing the efforts of the other ones. This will lead to no where in a long run except losses especially to those who are having a big hand in such traducements. The company i-Graft strives to exploit the wrongdoers and those who are acting malicious for the company in the race of competition. Our efforts are also dedicated to make all of you aware of such injurious and fake content displayed through advertisement, articles, blogs, product and service reviews, bad word of mouth and other communication means.
“We welcome all our customers in our clinics with open hands and wide smiles to help them fight against hair fall menace and to make them experience the recovery of lost beauty & charm again”

Thursday, June 19, 2014

GOOD VIEWS TO KNOW..Please share your views and problem here with us

Be Aware of The False Content................
With the increasing success of i-Graft team efforts, the number of rivals are also increasing. It has been observed in past few days that some of the rivals of i-Graft who are also running their business in this field and provide hair loss treatments and resolutions are defaming i-Graft by publishing fake content and news about the company and its service delivery procedures. Some of our competitors are following the short cut root to lessen the competition and to acquire the maximum market in least efforts by spoiling the endeavours of other companies like ours by publishing false and fake information in their articles, blogs and news feeds.

Do you take stress of every day hair fall?
Is the falling hair making you more & more frustrating each day?

Never loose the opportunity to get the best platform for recovering all types of hair losses. Most of us ignore the early signs of alopecia which starts with the hair thinning and broadening of hair lines. The real cause behind hair fall which could be lack of sleep, mental stress, countless pills popping, lack of nutrition, child birth and sometime hormones also play a major role in hair loss issues.

How to get back lost hair beauty & charm?

The daily hair fall sometimes becomes highly painful to bear and to cheer on routine basis, thus team i-Graft has found numerous technology oriented tactics to subdue this daily menace. The venture i-Graft Global Hair Services is a collective effort to call lost  hair back to the bald scalp in highly customer friendly terms keeping the  utmost care of customer's ease & comfort during the entire course.
The company i-Graft does not banks upon excessive application of chemicals like shampoos, conditioners, gels, sprays, artificial oils, colors, serums, soaps, spa tubes, hair packs and hair ointments, instead it has its own in house tools and techniques to deal with it.

Unique & Exclusive Hair Loss Control Techniques
The i-Graft will make you treat your hair as a treat after the entire procedure. It fights with hair loss issues with it's three core competencies which lies in DFI (Direct Follicle Implant), DT (Direct Tricho) and D’FITT (Direct Follicular Implant Tricho Technique). These techniques are miraculous and demands superior quality of aesthetic surgeons, hair veterans, experienced consultants, doctors and class cosmetic surgeons to yield and establish best ever plastic surgeries, aesthetic surgeries, cosmetology treatments and a complete cycle of 360 degrees treatment for the hair loss victim.

What are you waiting for?
Many people have already benefited from i-Graft Global Hair Services across the country and many already have made their mind to pursue for it. If you are also the victim of hair fall then do not wait just contact i-Graft Global Hair Services and book your appointment as soon as possible.

**Note: Team i-Graft request you all not to follow any kind of information which is being produced to subdue the competitors and their efforts. This is a wrong play which needs to get exploited soon. Please be aware of such advertisements who try to stand and make their own business by trimming down the competition in the market through such defaming content for others.